The Spirit of the Lord has made me and the breath of the Almighty gives me life

Breath of the Almighty

Finding the Lost / Unifying the Found

We have written both fiction and non-fiction books

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It is our sincere belief that God is present in our world and passionate about being an intimate part of people's lives! Therefore, it is our goal to usher the spiritually hungry and thirsty into His Presence where they can be changed from one level to a higher level of living.  Remember what He said, "No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest.”  Hebrews 8:11 

Our Belief

The above is only possible by a humble attitude about one's own condition.  That is, that we have all fallen short of God's perfection and that His Holy Spirit and His Word exist to not only convict us but to convince us of this truth.  We believe that by His grace and by the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and through the presence of His Holy Spirit on the earth we can approach Him as children would approach an infinitely loving father where anything is possible.

Pastor/ Evangelist Paul Lawrence Pastor and Evangelist Paul Lawrence has been a born again believer since 1991 and an ordained Christian minister since 1995.  He is the co-founder and CEO of Breath of the Almighty Ministries, which was founded on December 8, 1999.  He and his wife Catherine have been happily married for more than 28 years and together they have 3 wonderful sons.

Paul attended Westmont College in Santa Barbara California where he studied Biblical Studies. After college, Paul served as a Lieutenat in the fire service for more than 16 years.  In addition, he has authored both fiction and non-fiction books. 

Paul hosts The Breath of Life Podcast. He speaks nationally and oversees The Fire House, where the Presence of God ignites people’s hearts on a regular basis in the Orlando FL area.

Pastor Catherine Lawrence Catherine Lawrence was born-again at the age of 5 and has been an ordained Christian minister since 1995.  She attended Southeastern Assemblies of God University in Lakeland Florida where she graduated with a BA in Psychology as well as a minor in Biblical Studies.  She has served with many ministries, one a worldwide ministry for several years, working her way up from running camera to Editor to Director and full-time Producer. She is the co-founder of Breath of the Almighty Ministries and currently serves as the CFO.

She is an author, minister and public speaker, often talking about business and motherhood.  In addition, she’s been a successful FL Real Estate Agent for almost 20 years, giving many of her proceeds to the work of God's Kingdom. Her wisdom and insight into the Word of God is discerning and intuitive yet she remains very approachable and easy to understand and relate to.

Joseph Lawrence Joseph Christian Lawrence is a graduate of The University of Colorado where he graduated Suma Cum Laud, majoring in English Rhetoric, with a minor in Film Studies. 

He is an accomplished author, film maker and teacher.

He is an anointed teacher of the Word, following in the footsteps of his grandfather, Robert B Eldredge.  He is the Chief Operating Officer for Breath of the Almighty Ministries, and head of publishing for Choice Publications.

Joseph also writes both fiction and non-fiction books, including poetry. His Books of Amerika series explores American history through the stories of its People.